Exam Support

The following brochure has been put together to help you in supporting your child this results day. After months of hard work, late-night revision sessions and copious amounts of coffee, the long wait is (almost) finally over for the hundreds of thousands of teenagers across the country waiting to find out their exam results.   

TAS Covid19 Update

Hello,   Following the confusion over whether schools are to return after the May half term and the conflicting advice from the government, The DFE, from the ISC, ISA and the unions, The Alternative School  would like to advise you of what our plans look like from the 1st June until the 24th July, when we will break for Summer.  Firstly, we are making contingency plans to ensure that we have some of our team available throughout the summer to touch base with pupils and to offer some activity sessions, carefully easing pupils back into the school campuses.  Safeguarding calls over the summer period will also continue and we hope that this...

School Leavers – Confirming your place (B&FC)

Just a reminder Blackpool & Fylde College are still here to support you should you have any queries about Post-16 options or B&FC.  Applications are still being taken (via the B&FC website), interviews are still being conducted (via telephone) and offers are still being sent out (via post). It is important that if you have received an offer, either recently or at some point this academic year, you confirm that offer following the steps in your letter (and set out below). As detailed in the Offer Letters: To confirm your place, simply complete the enclosed postcard and send it back...

Nelson & Colne College Update

For all pupils who are hoping to attend Nelson & Colne college, there will be a virtual new student day on 6 July. Applicants will be sent information on this towards the end of June. The schools team will be available for live Q&A on the day. Nelson & Colne College have compiled a list of Frequently Asked Questions in order to answer any queries you may have:

Blackpool and the Fylde College Update

College Interviews Applicants who had not yet had their interview before lockdown, or who have just recently submitted applications, are being contacted by telephone from curriculum tutors for their college interview and IAG. New Students You should have received some ‘keep busy’ work from Lily which you should share with your students. We are hoping to get this onto a section on the website too. We anticipate that the vast majority of new students for September will have at least one session of their induction onsite during August and September. We will contact applicants directly about this as we would normally...

Apprenticeship Applicant Information

We understand that, right now, prospective Apprentices Nelson and Colne/Accrington College may be worried about not finding a placement before September. The college will continue to work with you during this period, and if you are unable to secure an employer, they will ensure you get put onto a suitable programme that is aligned to your career aims. The communications that have been sent to applicants can be found below. General: http://createsend.com/t/j-680CEF985589123A2540EF23F30FEDED Business: http://createsend.com/t/j-CE8616085B32CD452540EF23F30FEDED Construction: http://createsend.com/t/j-39F9A16A9E9FCD1E2540EF23F30FEDED Engineering: http://createsend.com/t/j-860CD5A49C608CE82540EF23F30FEDED Hair and Beauty: http://createsend.com/t/j-8103DA99AD729E9B2540EF23F30FEDED Health and Social Care: http://createsend.com/t/j-0CC675292ECD43BE2540EF23F30FEDED

Covid19 Update

Hello,   Following the government announcement on Sunday the 10th May 2020, we want to advise you of what our plans look like at this moment for pupils returning to a TAS campus.  We are still taking the safeguarding of both our staff and our pupils very seriously and we are continuing to educate every pupil daily, as well as carrying out home visits for safeguarding, free school meals, the delivery and collection of work, as well as inviting certain pupils into campus for exams and for those children of key workers.    Since the start of Covid, we have had a ‘TAS Covid Planning Team’ and have met (remotely) as a team every Monday morning to discuss the plans for each...

Meaningful May

Welcome to the month of May! Spring has well and truly sprung and we have been fortunate to have some fabulous weather to brighten our days during these difficult times. The month of May is celebrated in the UK as ‘National Smile Month’! Why not encourage some smiles yourself by completing the Meaningful May challenge? Let us know how you get on!