Careers Programme

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Careers Education, Information, Advice & Guidance

Our dedicated Careers Adviser,  works across all our schools, providing advice and guidance for TAS pupils, from KS1 – KS5.

We believe that all students should be supported, stretched and challenged in every lesson during their school-based education so that they can achieve and make choices to help them to live happy, successful life.

Each child is unique and therefore needs individualised education, information, advice and guidance to enable them to make aspirational life choices so that they succeed and can discover their potential.

The TAS Curriculum allows all pupils to individualise their timetables and choose qualifications depending upon their chosen career paths.

All pupils will complete a Careers Action Planning Booklet which will take them through KS1 – KS5. This will help the pupils identify where they are, their current skillset and what they need to improve on to get to where they want to be.

Students receive 1:1 careers interview with an independent, qualified and highly experienced careers adviser – follow-up appointments can be arranged to meet students’ needs.

Weekly Careers Chats

Pupils have a Careers Action Planning Booklet which they will work through during the week. This gives students the time to consider and research different aspects of their future and explore the opportunities available to them. Class teachers will also discuss their progress with them on an individual basis, this will help pupils to identify priority areas to work on and understand the link between the progress they are making in lessons and their futures.

Work Experience

All year 10 and 11 pupils are able to book their work experience at any point throughout the year depending on their progress with class work and vocational development. The purpose of work experience is for students to have an insight into a career path which they are interested in pursuing. Work experience placements must therefore be arranged or chosen according to their highlighted career path. Prior planning and preparation is therefore crucial and students who are struggling to find or arrange a beneficial placement will be supported and given a range of opportunities to clarify their interests. 

TAS Vocational Studies

Providing a stepping stone from secondary education to college, TAS vocational studies offer a wide range of vocational qualifications.  Full and part time placements are offered with added work experience   

College Campus Tours

Throughout the academic year, staff will be organising a number of college campus tours to show the pupils what life at a college is like.

World at Work Days

Guest speakers from across a wide range of industries will be invited into school throughout the academic year to give talks about their industry and where possible offer a practical, hands-on activity to give pupils a taste of their role.

START Programme

The Alternative School has registered to become a START school and is able to deliver effective and consistent career education for all our secondary pupils. START includes comprehensive and up-to-date information that can help our pupils discover the world of work and help their transition from school to further education, employment or apprenticeship. START promotes the importance of employee ability and helps us achieve the Gatsby Benchmarks. It enables us to monitor our pupils activities on the programme.

  • Download the Gatsby Benchmarks below1